Soul Mastery Sessions

A Soul Mastery session with Susann is designed to bring you connection to, and embodiment of, your soul gifts, strengths and purpose. It helps you resource your inherent wealth of spirit, which naturally clears the soul level challenges that have dampened your life’s fulfillment.

Most clients find that the primary starting point for this connection and embodiment is through an Akashic Record Soul Reading and Clearing with a Soul Journey to Your Home World and Soul Gifts and Purposes which includes the following components:

Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are an energetic library. They are the records of the knowledge of all souls for all time. In the spiritual world, they hold the record of all events, actions, and feelings that have occurred and will occur. All the information about each of our souls is stored on the Akashic Memory System. This includes its history, training, gifts, strengths, challenges, and even possible future outcomes.

Soul Portrait

This portrait describes your soul essences, purposes, gifts, and challenges. We look in detail at your soul’s beginnings, heritage, families, and home worlds, as well as how all of this pertains to your present incarnation with its challenges and the contracts and agreements you have with those you value.

Validate what you know in your deepest self to be true about who you are and the magnificence of what you have to bring. Portrait readings accentuate your soul gifts, strengths and purposes. They explain much that you have questioned throughout your life, guiding you into further understanding of why you are here and what your soul gifts are. Your soul carries a blueprint that is unique to you for this incarnation. This will repattern your DNA.

Soul Clearing

The Akashic records record the patterns your soul is carrying that may currently inhibit you. These inhibiting patterns have come with your soul into this incarnation, acquired in other lifetimes or other dimensions that your soul has existed in. These disruptive energies I call soul barnacles, as they are on the outer edge of the soul and can be easily released and removed for all time, through working with the Akashic Records and the beings that heal through the soul records. Reveal contracts, agreements and vows you have made or now carry with loved ones that have a profound impact on these relationships.

With your permission, these imprints are cleared and resources of light and divine connection brought into the space around your soul where the damage has been done that has caused your life to be halted in various ways. Clear contracts with those that you are now choosing to release from your life. The soul level clearing also immediately translates into the physical, mental and emotional levels of your present experience. This work clears the patterns that are in your soul memory bank that limit you in your soul purpose and soul fulfillment and opens your soul destiny plans.

If you’re READY TO GET STARTED with an Akashic Record Soul Reading and Clearing with a Soul Journey to Your Home World and Soul Gifts and Purposes, GO HERE.

Intuitive Counseling for the Heart and Soul

As a trained holistic psychotherapist and intuitive medium, Susann uses techniques that address the heart and soul of the challenge that you find yourself in the midst of.

With the help of her guides and yours release past memories, trauma and imprints at the cellular and DNA level, assisting the body, mind and soul to create health and well-being in a penetrating way.

This includes working with chronic patterns of every nature:

HEALTH CHALLENGES – Spanning the whole range: from cancer and MS to heart pain and knee pain; patterns of trauma from accidents and injuries; digestive and immune system disorders, to name a few. Sleep problems for sure!

RELATIONSHIPS – Practical tools are combined with your soul’s wisdom to assist you to increase your ability to experience the love you long for through the relationships you value, and dissolve the patterns that hold you in fear and resistance to love.

GAIN CLARITY – Practical direction in your relationships and understand soul contracts that are ready to be released or birthed.

CAREER AND LIFE PURPOSE – How to best navigate where you are now to where you wish to be.

PARENTING – Transitions of every kind, large and small, loss and death and even mediumship are available in these sessions.

To learn more about Susann’s Intuitive Counseling Sessions, CLICK HERE.

Soul Centered Medical Intuitive Session

This is your chance to go to the core with any particular pattern or issue that is chronic or repetitive and transform it at a soul level.

Susann intuitively reads the root cause and helps you release the pattern – physically, emotionally, and energetically and replace it with the true pattern of your soul coming alive again within you.

We will go into the Akashic Records of your soul to get to the true root cause of your core traumas, or the chronic physical limitations that hold you back or hold you hostage or patterns that cause you to feel a lack of ability to live your soul purpose.

It’s your time to…

  • Heal your body to liberate your spirit
  • Receive what you need to get to the root cause – at a soul, energetic and emotional level – to resolve all of your health challenges
  • Discover how to access your own intuitive wisdom to know how to release and shift what is stuck in your body
  • Bring in the soul resources you need to replace those patterns with energy, health and wellbeing to ignite your purpose and path with great inspiration and momentum
  • Using intuition as your superpower, discern for yourself how to work with your physical needs for well-being on all levels

To learn more about Susann’s Soul Centered Medical Intuitive Session, CLICK HERE.

“I want to recommend Susann and her sessions including Akashic Record readings.Everybody who decides to take such services expects two things: accurate information and life improvement. Susann delivers both in just one session. I felt a huge improvement and a much better understanding of my own life after doing a soul clearing with her. Thank you, Susann!” – Mariusz Kozlowski – Poland

“I am astounded at what transpired and shifted so profoundly of my whole reality in our session together. Susann walked me into the temple of light that now lives within and all around my being. I have discovered a new mind that is now my core essence and has moved me out of reaction and into observance of everything I experience leaving my frequency and energy sovereign. Creating from love is my new operating system and although I have no words to describe that freedom and joy I can say what I do now is make space for its opportunity. Who knew every day could be this magical? From my soul to yours, all those you lead are eternally grateful.” – Robin S.

“To My Dearest Soul Sister Susann,Thank you so much for facilitating my Akashic Record reading. Words cannot express my gratitude. To have further clarity and validation about this particular contract, and previous ones, is so precious.I truly now understand where “home” is and the importance of connecting there for grounding. You have brought a truly valuable piece of this incarnation to light and I am truly grateful. YOU and your work are extremely valuable and precious. THANK YOU. Much love!” – D.H.

“Susann has been a trusted source for a series of awareness-deepening, horizon-expanding and profound healing experiences. I highly recommend” – Mary C.


CLICK HERE to read examples of how Susann’s Soul Mastery work can assist you in your daily life.


If you’re READY TO GET STARTED with an Akashic Record Soul Reading and Clearing with a Soul Journey to Your Home World and Soul Gifts and Purposes, GO HERE.


If you still have questions, contact Susann to discuss what your session could look like.