Soul Mastery MP3 Audio Book

Soul Mastery – Access the Gifts of Your Soul is now available as an MP3 audio book for your listening pleasure!


For over 20 years, my Soul Mastery work with clients and students has been formed around the vital nature of accessing one’s Soul gifts, strengths and purposes, as well as uncovering the Soul challenges that we have carried before we even came to this world.

This is the perfect opportunity to resource your Spirit’s wealth. The Soul Mastery book is the ideal way for you to reunite with the riches of your Soul. 

I’m THRILLED that for the FIRST TIME, I’m able to share the riches of this material in an audio format! 


Soul Mastery Audio Book
Soul Mastery ~ Access The Gifts of Your Soul. 10 hours of MP3 instant download.
Price: $33.95


“I LOVE this book. After reading it, I now know what it means to be ” at home” with myself. And after just one Soul Mastery session I can literally breathe again. I truly feel safe for the first time. – Ellen”

As simple as it sounds, each moment that we ignite our life from our heart and Soul, we are aligned with our Soul’s destiny and we are practicing SOUL MASTERY.

We are each a master, here to bring our Soul’s purpose, our heart’s fulfillment, and our life mission. As a master, it’s our job to understand WHY our Soul chose to come to Earth and HOW it is to bring Light into a world at a time when great darkness prevails.

The divine outpouring within the pages of this book will reawaken all that you are as a Soul: that divine part of you that so generously came from other reaches of this grand galaxy.

Through our Souls, we belong to a collective, unified energy field that is working for all humankind – more than ever at this highly significant time in our universal history.

Soul Mastery – Accessing the Gifts of Your Soul will free you to…


blue star chakra Discover your Soul’s strengths, gifts and purposes.

blue star chakra Unlock all that your Soul wishes you to receive of your destiny.

blue star chakra Reunite with your Soul essence, wealth and wisdom.

blue star chakra Open the doors to your Soul’s personal mission.

blue star chakra Give expression to that mission in your daily life, bolstered by the divinity of your heart.


“When I heard from Susann where my soul was birthed, trained and given life, it felt like a Homecoming. It left as if someone deep inside of me said, “Yes, it is okay to be YOU.” – Rev. Deb Hogan


YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Many Souls like you have volunteered to come here with treasures of Spirit to assist this world to return to a Blueprint fueled by Divine Love. In fact, Souls have been dedicated to coming here for up to 250,000 years from planets that are part of other star systems. These Souls have spent their existences there developing qualities of spirit that make up the Soul heritage you experience in your daily life. In these worlds where our Souls came from, we were known by our true families. We were deeply loved, supported and seen.


“Understanding our soul gifts and challenges has saved our marriage. We can now feel the natural depth of soul connection and return to that when struggles arise.” – Kevin and Charlene
“The content of the Soul Mastery audio book is practically giving me a summary of the book that I’m writing! I can’t believe it. This book summarizes all the insights and wisdom that I’ve found or remembered over the past years!I feel touched, seen, recognized, supported, inspired, excited, and elated! I can feel my fear transforming into butterflies of excitement, at least enough to not hold me back anymore! Thank you so much for appearing on my path.” – Ingrid 

This is your opportunity to reclaim those celestial experiences in your life now.


One of the deepest concerns of our heart and Soul is that we do not wish to die with our song unsung, with our gifts unwrapped, and really, we do not wish to live in any moment that our spirit is not free to shine!


Blue Feather Each of us holds the memory in our Soul of our unique purpose and gifts.

Blue Feather Each Soul has many helper aspects it is connected to: guides, angels, councils of beings, and Soul families. Through our oneness as Souls, we belong to a collective, unified energy field that is working for all  humankind, more than ever at this highly significant time in our universal history.

Blue Feather When we came to planet earth we did not feel seen or understood for holding those precious gifts and in various ways let go of those Soul strengths and bought into belonging to the human race for survival.

Through Soul Mastery, Accessing the Gifts of Your Soul you will…


blue star chakra Dust off the Akashic Records of your Soul and return to the state of experiencing Home.

blue star chakra Gain a sense of spiritual family and community.

blue star chakra Remember that you are deeply supported by a generous Universe that always has your back and holds you sacred.


Taking the journey through Soul Mastery, the audio book, will give your Soul room to breathe. It will give you permission to embody your inherent Soul radiance and power.


Soul Mastery Audio Book
Soul Mastery ~ Access The Gifts of Your Soul. 10 hours of MP3 instant download.
Price: $33.95


“Through working with Susann and the gifts of wisdom within the covers of this book, we find ourselves becoming the presence of our own divine Essence, which we have been desiring to know since the beginning of our awakening in this lifetime.” – Dr. Robert Sampson and Patricia Huges, BSN – Co-founders of Evolutionary Medicine and Co-authors of Breaking Out of Environmental Illness.
“Wow! To be with my soul family here in the world is a dream come true. It gives me the courage to step out and use my life skills without question.” – Candace
“I always knew I was not from this world.  Soul Mastery helped me feel less “alien” and to be at home in my skin is the best experience I could know. I am so very grateful, Susann.” – Kelly 
“I feel so complete. I now know I have everything I need to create from my connection to Spirit and that means the world to me.” – Sandra in Brisbane