Retreat Adventure on Grand Cayman Island

April 19th–25th, 2025

Bask in the Beauty and Abundance of the Grand Cayman Island

A luxurious time and space to deepen and expand your relationship with all divinity.

A Joyful Gathering of Souls

Accelerate Your Spiritual Awakening
Illuminate Your Soul Gifts
Ignite Your Intuitive Mastery

We will have six rejuvenating and profound days together in this island paradise!

The villa above is OUR villa. We will have it all to ourselves.

For more information, please visit our Soul Radiance Retreat site:



During our retreat, we will:

  • Easily open access to our higher dimensional states
  • Bring the remarkable nature of our Divinity into our physical capacity of expression 
  • Explore the pristine beauty of the ocean and all the Grand Cayman Island has to share
  • Discover the magic of practical Divinity – the art of being our expanded selves and using our extraordinary powers in daily life. 

I looked around the circle in each woman’s eyes and I felt so connected, so open hearted. I felt seen and loved. And I realized, This has always been available to me.”  ~ Judy

Come join us to expand our capacity to access whatever we need in whatever situation
as we are connected to the Infinite in our physical bodies.

Come join us to expand our capacity to live as we were designed- as the pure, powerful creators we are.

Come join us to be our embodied Divinity.

Brought to you by Susann Taylor Shier

For more information, please visit our Soul Radiance Retreat site:


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