Strengthen Your Guided Connection in this Accelerated Time of Fear and Change
8 Day Immersion MP3 Recordings
Navigate this juncture with grace, compassion and strength of heart
At this significant time the very core of our sense of well being has become impacted in deep ways. Disruption of life as we know it is creating immense uncertainty in our human capacities.
At this unprecedented time in history our survival fears are being challenged; our concerns around outer power and control, and the sense that there is an invisible enemy, are surfacing for transformation, to name a few dominant ones.
What is needed now is a tremendous infusion of the spiritual resources that are on the front lines with us. What is needed right now is a greater sense of that connection living and breathing through us. That is our true way to navigate huge transformation. That is the true way for us to feel the assurance of safety and security we long for.
Your connection, with its divine wisdom, and clarity of creative direction in each moment holds the key to a love filled knowing of safety, and security, which generates the true immune booster for stability in this sea of unknown.
Together let’s amplify this means for substantial health and true prosperity, as the systems change on all levels because of this.
Let’s release the ancient patterns that have us feeling that our sovereign power and freedom is suppressed and in lockdown, so we can boost our divine connection and together birth the great voice of truth and heart-centered momentum our guidance is longing to bring us.
Let’s release the fears of disruption, disorientation, world suffering and death, and panic about where we are going, individually and collectively.
Strengthen Your Guided Connection
in this Time of Accelerated Fear and Change
8-Day Immersion was held April 2 – April 9, 2020
Strengthen Your Guided Connection in this Time of Accelerated Fear and Change was designed to help you:
- Deeply receive the gold of spirit’s blessing, upliftment and wisdom.
- Enhance your faith in life.
- Expand our capacity to hear at all levels what is available for us for our individual and collective purposes.
- Release the fears that keep you from hearing your highest self and its gifts for you.
- Discover how to handle isolation and loneliness.
- Liberate the patterns of control and distorted power that have had a grip on us.
- Discover how to not only raise your vibration and vitality but also strengthen your ability to know spirit’s hand is in every aspect of your life.
This is an overall system cleanse we are moving through as a world, and this is your opportunity to cleanse those fears from long ago that are being held now, once and for all. The time is ripe for it.
There is an energetic death occurring and this is our time to step into the new paradigm of abundant well-being as the foundation for our new earth we are claiming in real terms.
This immersion, guided by spirit and fueled with love, was filled with plenty of meditations and experiential means for you to dramatically shift your reality, for the good of all.
Eight days to focus on the new way of being that is emerging in alignment with the energies that the Equinox is heralding in for us to receive.
Let’s bring a burst of creative energy at a time when it is sorely needed.
This is truly the means for you to make a substantial contribution to our world – it is all energy.
This is the means to lift our genuine love for life into the unified field of the planet, while releasing the virus of trauma and panic that is coming to the fore to be dissolved.
We will come into the embodied knowing that this time has divine purpose and guidance running through it like a silken thread weaving so much light and newness for us all.
We will end up stronger knowing how to inspire others in positive ways, valuing our relationships, and bringing divine innovation into our lives.
There is a tsunami of love and creation blooming, guided by divine Love.
Strengthen Your Guided Connection
in this Time of Accelerated Fear and Change
8-Day Immersion
MP3 Recordings
For $33.00
You will receive 8 days of all new recorded content from Susann and our guidance collective to assist you to navigate the new energies and this tumultuous time we are in including:
Two 60-90 minute replay recordings of “LIVE” calls with Susann.
Recordings of six (6) days full of meditations, activations, and releasing of the patterns that no longer serve your soul’s emergence into full blown confidence of connection. This portion is 3 hours in length.
Downloadable Audio Files of EVERY DAY so you can listen to the teaching anywhere you go.
Our guidance collective has so much to share with us in this powerful cycle of rebirth!!!
You are magnificent and your soul and its guidance are moving heaven and earth for you continually!