The Truth Always Prevails

I love how powerful we are, whether we realize it fully or not.

Holding our authentic truth in any moment is a powerful statement beyond measure.

The Year of The Rooster is set up to reveal where lying, cheating and all forms of deception occurs.

Yes, it is easy to see in the larger world how much lack of truth there

But how do we work with the lies we no longer want to hold whether it’s internal or externally sourced?

It’s vital for us to not only be clear in ourselves what “non-truth” we
don’t resonate with, but also to expand our capacity to hold our AUTHENTIC truths with clarity and confidence.

Whatever is outside of our whole truth and nothing but the truth within us is being brought to the surface so we can create in ways that are consistent to our soul’s calling.

This is the key to bring forth the clarion call of truth now.

Where in YOU is the embodiment of Love not being honored presently?

Where are you holding a “lie” that doesn’t support your expression of the empowerment that awaits you?

In the video below, witness how I’ve also struggled knowing the fullness of my authentic self.

Let’s explore our personal challenges together!

This is what I want for you, oh, great soul emerging and shining.



With endless joy and blessings,

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